how it began
i've been in the wedding planning industry for about 3 years now and while i loved planning and executing weddings, i found myself always asking the couple their engagement story // the man would explain what he originally planned and what actually happened // more often than not, the story seemed to be more stressful and worrisome than exciting and life changing.
that's when i realized that there was no one helping create this magical moment // engagement is where it all starts // the wedding is known as the bride's day, but what about the engagement? // no one has name that the man's day, though it is // while the wedding planning industry is over-saturated, the engagement planning industry has untapped potential // that's where serendipity engagement comes in.
a man's only concern on his engagement day should be getting down on one knee and asking his woman to be his wife // he shouldn't being worrying if the flowers and table are set up and who is going to light the candles // while he's frantically calling friends to make sure that everything is in place, his girlfriend is getting suspicious and knows that something is up.
that's why i created serendipity engagements, a business designed to assist in planning and creating the engagement of a couple's dream // from day of assistance to all inclusive planning and executing, serendipity engagements offers different packages that will fit any couple's need and let the man be fully present when he asks this life changing question to his future wife!